Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012


Patients are put in special positions for examination, for treatment or test, and to obtain specimens. You should know the positions used, how to assist the patient, and how to adjust the drapes.
Horizontal Recumbent Position. Used for most physical examinations. Patient is on his back with legs extended. Arms may be above the head, alongside the body or folded on the chest.

Figure 1-1. Horizontal recumbent position.

Dorsal Recumbent Position. Patient is on his back with knees flexed and soles of feet flat on the bed. Fold sheet once across the chest. Fold a second sheet crosswise over the thighs and legs so that genital area is easily exposed.
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Figure 1-2. Dorsal recumbent position.
Fowler's Position. Used to promote drainage or ease breathing. Head rest is adjusted to desired height and bed is raised slightly under patient's knees
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Figure 1-3. Fowler's position.
Dorsal Lithotomy Position. Used for examination of pelvic organs. Similar to dorsal recumbent position, except that the patient's legs are well separated and thighs are acutely flexed. Feet are usually placed in stirrups. Fold sheet or bath blanket crosswise over thighs and legs so that genital area is easily exposed. Keep patient covered as much as possible.
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Figure 1-4. Dorsal lithotomy position.
Prone Position. Used to examine spine and back. Patient lies on abdomen with head turned to one side for comfort. Arms may be above head or alongside body. Cover with sheet or bath blanket.
NOTE: An unconscious patient, or one with an abdominal incision or breathing difficulty usually cannot lie in this position.
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Figure 1-5. Prone position.
Sim's Position. Used for rectal examination. Patient is on left side with right knee flexed against abdomen and left knee slightly flexed. Left arm is behind body; right arm is placed comfortably.
NOTE: Patient with leg injuries or arthritis usually cannot assume this position.
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Figure 1-6. Sim's position.
Knee-Chest Position. Used for rectal and vaginal examinations and as treatment to bring uterus into normal position. Patient is on knees with chest resting on bed and elbows resting on bed or arms above head. Head is turned to one side. Thighs are straight and lower legs are flat on bed.
NOTE: Do not leave patient alone; he/she may become dizzy, faint, and fall.

Reference : fundamental of nursing 
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Figure 1-7. Knee-chest position.

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